Dear Nuffnanger,
Greetings from the Nuffies! You're cordially invited to join us at our cozy office for coffee at the date, time and venue as below:
Date: 16 July 2010 (Friday)
Time: 4.00pm - 5.00pm
Venue: Nuffnang KL Office
12B-5 & 12B-6, Heritage House,
33 Jalan Yap Ah Shak,
50300 Kuala Lumpur.
Kindly RSVP to this email to confirm your attendance to the coffee session by 3pm on 14 July 2010 (Wednesday). Hope to see you on Friday! :)
Teoh Xinxian
Blogger Relations Executive
Teoh Xinxian
Blogger Relations Executive
huh..bestnya minum-minum free dengan nuffnang...depa bagi cheque sekali ker...? hehehe
Yuen Yee ni comellah! tolong cubit dia untuk dni.. ngeehehe
karang, bagitau la sama yer tips2 dari nuffnang...
wah nik..nanti bg tahu yek sikit info...
suji susah la nak g...sbb time kerja la..
nak ambik 1/2 day pun susah..sbb nanti citer masuk blog..hahah
kan dh kantoi nanti...keh?
Nak tooot BUleh?
Selamat minum kopi yer..
elok-elok pergi ;D
menarik yg dalam gmbr tu.....
bro, jgn lupe share2 nt..
mesti sonok tu nanti..
how was it? =)
saya nak pasang nuffnang gak lah .. nanti boleh jumpa sama itu Yuen Yee !
share bro nnt info dr sesi tu..
dear all: jangan lupa ya hari isnin nanti pukul 8.00 pagi entry mengenai coffee session
besh2...minum cofee...
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