
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Menang Peraduan Digi Broadband

Guess what? Aku telah menang peraduan Digi Braodband. Masa masuk tu suka-suka aja, tak sangka menang. So dapatlah langganan percuma Digi selama 3 bulan dan dapat free modem. So selepas 3 bulan tak terikat dengan Digi.....

Semua ada 50 pemenang, yang aku dapat tu hadiah bagi nombor 4 hingga 50. Kalau yang top tu dapat le....


Your blog post for the ‘Pimp My Broadband’ contest has qualified as one of the top 50 most voted entries. As such, you have won yourself a pimped up DiGi broadband modem AND 3
months of free service! This total package is worth more than RM500!

Just to clarify, there is no contract or obligation attached to this prize. Once the 3 months expires, you have the option to continue the service (at a discounted rate), or simply keep the modem and use it with another service of your choice, as all DiGi modems are unlocked.

In order for us to do verification and contact you with further details how to obtain your prizes, please pass us the following details:

IC Number:
Telephone Number:
Home Address (Where you live):
Mailing Address (Where you want us to send your prizes):

It’s been a long contest, and I hope you’ve enjoyed the experience. Do check out the other winning entries at

If you have any further questions in regards to the contest, or our broadband service, feel free to drop me a personal email here, and I’ll be glad to help you out J

Thank you & best regards"


  1. lioneloo8 and solehah: thanksss.....

  2. congrats....wah best la...3 bulan tu lama gak tu...=)

  3. tahniah atas kemenangan!!

    ade joined jugak contest nih..tapi tak menang la kot.. :((

    btw, visit mine to get know new gossips and tips..
    my latest entry right now pasal namewee..igt lagi tak die?ala yg edit lagu negaraku yg kena saman dulu tuh..skg die buat hal ngan tnb plak..boleh tgk video die kat sini

    thank you.. :D


  4. arief: thanks, yalah benda free mesti sodap kan

    smiley: sorry to hear that..... i dah pi tengok your blog and klik2, nanti singgah le lagi....
